Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beautiful women make men stupid

Nijmegen - Long hair, big eyes and curves, where one would (s) like to drive along: But beware - the sight of such an attractive, seductive lady makes men temporarily stupid!
Scientists from the Dutch "RadboudUniversität" found that men during and shortly after the sight or the encounter with a beautiful woman can no longer think clearly.
The team led by social psychologist Johan Karremans watched the intellectual capacity of students, shortly after they were in contact with particularly attractive fellow.
The test subjects should chat with each other and then solve examination questions.
Conclusion: The students were given the pretty ladies think less clearly than usual reason: "The gentlemen were very busy trying to impress," said Karremans.
That was probably significantly affects their mental performance. How was that even with the saying from grandmother's moth-eaten, "Men can look better than to think" ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pensioners - stabbed to death in prison forever!

Aachen - Because of the murder of a pensioner who has a 27-year-old for the rest of his life in prison, the District Court of Aachen, were found in the verdict on Tuesday besondereSchwere of guilt and ordered preventive detention. Damitist an early release from prison of a man excluded.
   The court sent a 33-year-old girlfriend of twelve years in prison Hauptangeklagtenfür you approve of the judge a verminderteSchuldfähigkeit.
 According to the report she had in Drogenrauschgehandelt. The court followed its ruling derStaatsanwaltschaft with the request.
   The 27-year-old trained baker had been accused in court of killing in April 2008 the 66-year-old pensioner in his apartment in downtown derAachener together with the 33-year-old with a knife Vielzahlvon.
In fact, their beidenAngeklagten the wallet of the man, a VCR and einHandy had captured.
   In the 27-year-old principal defendants are einenWiederholungstäter. The man had been assaulted as a 19-year-old stabbed to death in Aacheneinen kiosk owner. InHaft After eight years he had shortly after his release the next Bluttatbegangen.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sex attack on 20-year-old in Deutz

Cologne - What began initially as a brutal robbery, was for a twenty-year student in Deutz suddenly to sex attack.
The young woman was around 6th 20 clock on Saturday morning on the road on the footpath between Deutz ring and bridle path. Suddenly a bicycle stopped beside her, grabbed her bag and she wanted to snatch her.
But the 20-year-old fought back, clung to her bag. A signal that could explode the offender: "He jumped off the bike and struck several times on the defenseless woman.
Dazed from the massive shock, the 20-year-old then had to do as the man grabbed her, dragged her into nearby bushes. Here he began to resurrect at their clothing. With his last strength, the student struggled from the sex attack. The man dropped his victim, grabbed the bag and disappeared.
With severe bruises and shock the woman was discovered by two passers-by who agreed to the police. A search for the first tormentors remained inconclusive.
The police are now asking for information on the perpetrators, even looking for the two walkers to come forward. Phone: 0221 / 229 0

Friday, February 5, 2010

Suicide: Jan Antwerpes dead in the basement

Cologne - An incredible tragedy: Jan Antwerpes (44), son of the former district president Franz-Josef Antwerpes, was found dead yesterday in the basement of his company. Suicide by hanging.
The father confirmed to EXPRESS the sad news. More he will not say it. From the environment of the employees were aware that the successful entrepreneur who had founded with his older brother Frank (49), the "Antwerpes AG" and "Doc Check", hanged himself yesterday morning in the basement of the company in Ehrenfeld.
How EXPRESS learned to Jan Antwerpes have called in a farewell letter, economic motives for the deed.
 The value of the Doc-Check shares were in the past decade, from 25 down to 2.87 euros. He was regarded as a cheerful, sympathetic, was only in September 2007 his wife Pia (married 34). Six months ago their daughter was born.
Jan Antwerpes was a frequent guest on media gatherings, where he usually appeared together with his father, Franz-Josef Antwerpes, former district president of Cologne. Even the media had on the early and enormous success of the company the two brothers repeatedly Antwerpes saturation coverage.