Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beautiful women make men stupid

Nijmegen - Long hair, big eyes and curves, where one would (s) like to drive along: But beware - the sight of such an attractive, seductive lady makes men temporarily stupid!
Scientists from the Dutch "RadboudUniversität" found that men during and shortly after the sight or the encounter with a beautiful woman can no longer think clearly.
The team led by social psychologist Johan Karremans watched the intellectual capacity of students, shortly after they were in contact with particularly attractive fellow.
The test subjects should chat with each other and then solve examination questions.
Conclusion: The students were given the pretty ladies think less clearly than usual reason: "The gentlemen were very busy trying to impress," said Karremans.
That was probably significantly affects their mental performance. How was that even with the saying from grandmother's moth-eaten, "Men can look better than to think" ...