Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Raided the DFB and the DFL

Frankfurt - Germany's pure excitement at the highest football federations. Dragnet! On Tuesday, many officials fly into the premises by the DFB and the League (DFL) in Frankfurt.
The suspicion of the Federal Cartel Office against DFB and DFL: The associations should have discussed it in the search for sponsors. Therefore even a working group had been founded. Thus, the sponsors would be nice split - who advertises for the DFB, was approached by the clubs no longer the first place.
It was triggered by a report in the sports picture a year ago, in which said Bayer Leverkusen's manager Wolfgang wooden houses: "It is unacceptable that the DFB and the League Association, or its clubs make each other competing for the sponsorship negotiations."
At that time, Leverkusen negotiated with shirt sponsor RWE. At the same time also the DFB wanted to win the energy group as partners, but the negotiations were to veto timber houses suddenly stopped.
Silke Kaul (speaker) of the Cartel: "There is a reasonable suspicion that the competition was eliminated by Sponsors between DFB, DFL and the clubs." The DFB is outraged, and even shoot back yet by any means will be reviewing the legality of the raid and moves to official protests against the authorities considered.
DFB general secretary Wolfgang Niersbach said: "This incident is inconceivable to us all. There is not the slightest reason to conceal anything. "