Thursday, March 4, 2010

When is a fever well

If the body resists with concentrated force against viruses or bacteria, we get a fever. Many attack from 38 degrees to automatically antipyretic agents, laments Dr. Martin Adler, a doctor of naturopathy in Siegen. Because fever is actually "healthy".
The body tries to fight back: increases the value of Temperaturschaltzentrale of the brain, because each level begins greater the number of white blood cells and inhibits the proliferation attacking germs. His most important rules of fever:
In an ordinary flu or flu-like infection can tolerate fevers to 39 ° C for three days.
In younger adults and children - unless they are prone to febrile seizures! - Are ready to bear one to two days to 39.9 ° Celsius.
To properly measure fever
36 ° C
37 ° C
38 ° C
39 ° C
40 ° C
As much as Dr. Adler to be committed to stifle, not every fever at the very approach that he so vehemently insists losing the popular masses in the axilla: "The determined values are much too vague."
Measure (preferably with a digital thermometer!) Instead in the buttocks or under the tongue in one of the so-called heat pockets right or left of the tongue. Close mouth - then wait until it beeps. By protective foils Thermometer (30 pieces in the pharmacy for Euro 2.95), or reworking the head with a disinfectant solution, the body temperature remains in the mouth in the household with hygienic!
Confirmed Wartentest Foundation (No. 9 / 08): Almost all modern digital thermometers provide reliable values. When measuring with ear thermometers ( "good" in the test, for example Braun Thermoscan, about 50 €) 0.3 ° C dazuaddieren. By the way: cold compresses to reduce the fever, at 1 to 2 ° C without the aggravation to mind. Fever-lowering agents (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, take aspirin) for longer than three days on your own!
Normal temperature 35.8 ° C to 37.4 ° C.
In the evening the temperature is above the morning. From 37.5 ° C, it is considered to be increased.
From 38.1 ° C is called a fever.
From 39.1 ° C is as high fever, about 39.9 ° C as very high.
The critical limit. At 42 ° C circulatory failure risk, from 42.6 ° C death by destroying the natural structure (denaturation) of proteins.
Critical Limits:
Elderly, debilitated, chronically ill should a doctor ask if they can wait up to 39 ° C.
The fever lasts longer than three days, or even connect with symptoms such as headache, neck stiffness, abdominal pain, pale skin, difficult breathing, dizziness on - for safety's always a doctor.
Instead of reducing unnecessary fever: From the first shivering (heat production faster, stop when the setpoint is reached to lie down to keep warm) and so the body can fully concentrate on the defense.
Do not force children to eat. Anorexia is a result of the conversion cycle. Stomach and intestines are less vascularized. Drink a lot. Lime tea or fever Holunderbeersaft support and defense. Only at normal body temperature, record the daily operation again rantasten cautiously Sports: The body's immune system takes two to three weeks to completely regenerate.