Thursday, May 27, 2010

operates at 16: Tim now is Kim

Kim (16) wears a tight top, a tight blue jeans, she has long blonde hair. Kim is a very pretty girl. The boys look after her on the street, sometimes they even whistle.
When Kim, 27 was born August 1992 in Cologne, because their parents chose for them the name of Tim. Because Kim was a boy. Kim is - if known - the youngest transsexual person in the world.
It is the incredible story of a child from the Rhineland who felt caught in the wrong body, since it already had two.
Tim has always played with Barbie dolls, barber shop, he defended himself against the young haircut. Four years ago he picked up a pair of scissors, held them to his penis and threatened: "Now I cut it off!"
July in 2009. Kim talks to the Express about their new life. She talks with pride: "I am now a real girl. I can wear a bikini, I must in no more ashamed of dressing. And it is a great feeling to see that guys find me attractive. "
Kim's music video for the song "Last Forever" - click here! >
When Kim was eleven, she entered the first time the practice of Dr. Bernd Meyenburg. The psychiatrist conducts a clinic for children with identity disturbances at Frankfurt University. Meyenburg: "It is rare that the diagnosis of transsexualism is so clear as in Kim."
The struggle for real sex. When Kim was twelve, she began hormone treatment. She was afraid of puberty, before the voice, the facial hair.
 Kim's parents have hesitated long before they could endorse their will. Can we make such an intervention in a child, even before it has matured? A hard struggle for years with his conscience, with the responsibility, with the love for one child, came to an end in October 2008: Kim had surgery.
Children will get to it there. But pride says the high school student, after the summer holidays, the 11th Class will visit: "I am what I wanted to be and really always was. I was born just in the wrong body. "
A detached house near Bonn. Here Kim lives with her parents and her two older sisters. The story of the girl from the Rhineland goes from here around the world. Newspapers, Magazines and Fensehsender are fascinated by the Kim story.
 And the fact that they now on the go, is a pop star. She has a music producer who rausbrachte with her a CD. Your Fangmeinde the Internet grows.
On Tuesday, Kim was next to Heather Mills, the ex-wife of Paul McCartney, as a guest in "This Morning", one of the largest shows of England to her new single "Die for You" initiative.
Kim has its own manager that they intend to make known all over the world. Is that immoral? When this story? No, says Kim. Music is the best way for them to tell their story. "And if I still have a great desire since I can remember, then to be the" singer. "
Also of Interest
Just ran the operation
This is transsexualism

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Niedecken and his beautiful daughters

cologne - Nanu? Wolfgang Niedecken without his wife Tina on the road, but that in two very pretty blonde arm? What is going on here?
A father-daughter-evening at the premiere of "Rain" at the Philharmonic! "Tina is in southern France and is training for yoga teacher," said the BAP-singer, who on 11 September with his band at Roncalliplatz plays. "And because my daughters wanted to see like the Beatles show, I stated them."
 Twinkle-eyes, blonde hair and sweet smile: Joana-Josephi (13) and Isis Maria (15 twisted) so many young men in the audience's head. "Fortunately, they come more for her mother than for me," quips Niedecken. "Besides, even with the talent: Isis has ne one in math - to me she has not!"
Also, the 15-year-old professional will follow in the footsteps of her mother (Tina is a photographer): "She often helps her in the studio, has completed an internship with a photographer." But Papa's talent by proposing: "Jojo plays a great piano Isis and flute. "But he is mad at his daughters above all:" They are normal teenagers! "

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cologne / Bonn: Sharp decline in passenger numbers

Cologne - Cologne / Bonn Airport expects this year einennoch greater decline in passenger and cargo figures adopted alsbisher.
 2009 are currently expected around 9.4 million air guests, 9 percent less than last year, such as airport chief Michael Garvens said on Tuesday. At the beginning he was a six percent decline expected nochvon.
For Frachtgüternrechnet Garvens after a bad first quarter einemEinbruch by 9 percent to 530,000 tonnes. The annual earnings will drop 50 percent umfast to minus 9.7 million euros.
   Already in 2008 landed on the cheap and Expressfrachtspezialisierte Airport with a loss of € 6.5 million (2007: plus 5.5 million) in the red. The result was durchSondereffekte as the relocation of the Airport Authority and nachträglicheErbpachtzahlungen been under pressure. Revenue fell to € 262.9 million (minus three percent).
   With a package of cost, the airport will now save 13 million euros. Among other things, would be less Zeitarbeiterbeschäftigt, permanent employees to overtime abbauenund there is a hiring freeze. It will avoid all but done umEntlassungen, said Garvens.
   Negotiations with the low-cost airline Ryanair überKöln / Bonn as the new site had been abandoned without result, "said Garvens. The conditions were not acceptable.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hitzfeld takes Poldi's last hope

Marbella - Lukas Podolski and FC Bayern - whether it really is true love again? After one and half years, "teething problems" would take off the ex-Cologne in Munich is now the second half finally come true.
But it is nothing at the moment: For Bayern coach Ottmar Hitzfeld has established itself in the training camp in Marbella - Podolski is expressed in the second half, only the bank. Even two weeks before the second half start Poldi Hitzfeld took his last hope!
"Miro Klose and Luca Toni are well rehearsed, so they will also begin in the second half, if nothing extraordinary happens," said Hitzfeld on Friday. Whether Podolski or Jan Schlaudraff times would get a chance? "It depends on how the situation develops." Bam! Much clearer it could hardly have said Hitzfeld to stay - Klose and Toni healthy and not expected to play lousy, they stay put.
Especially for the phrases like hammer blows Podolski have to be. "When the second half for me it should run as the first round, then I must think hard how and where it goes on for me," the 22-year-old international had recently declared. Under Hitzfeld's statement, he may now have to think before the second half.
If he comes to the conclusion, if possible, immediately seek his fortune elsewhere? The transfer list is still open until the end of January, and there's no shortage of interested parties: Among other things, Werder Bremen, VfB Stuttgart and the English Premier League club Manchester City hot on Poldi.
Or is now his very last Podolski Bayern hope for Jürgen Klinsmann and is sitting out the second half? His contract with record champions runs until 2010, and in summer comes the coach, whose World Cup-Eleven, he was placed 2006th However, he did not have Toni as well as beside it. Podolski will make his thoughts ...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pixel Magician record photo shoot in Cologne

Cologne - Imagine you buy a camera with 8 megapixels and shoot Cologne panorama. Proud of you look at the razor-sharp picture and think: Posters? Poster? Photo wallpaper? Anything goes! As you knock on someone's shoulder: "Look! My photo is still 1000 times larger ... "
Who will score the biggest photo of the world? The Cologne Photo Designer André M. Hünseler has now ended already ranked 5th His coup: The Cologne panorama in 8 Gigapixeln (ie 8000 megapixels): "One day I photographed with a commercially available Canon Eos 400 D piecemeal the whole panorama. Overall, I was here around 600 pictures. "
To view all photos of the then 15 kilometers wide and 10 kilometers deep panoramas together like a puzzle, counting his PC whopping 3.5 days.
"If the razor sharp photo prints on canvas, it must be at least 60 meters wide, its 14 meters high." In (still) good quality, so you could even hide a Rhine bridge.
Eye-catcher: Click here for a mega-> photo, because you can zoom in by clicking through Cologne.
A view of the distant Cathedral relief or to the roof terraces of the City? No problem!
Incidentally, world record holder is a panoramic photo of the magnificent Yosemite National Park United States with 17.3 gigapixels. Hünseler: "I now Peile at 25 gigapixels. I want to square 1 '