Thursday, May 27, 2010

operates at 16: Tim now is Kim

Kim (16) wears a tight top, a tight blue jeans, she has long blonde hair. Kim is a very pretty girl. The boys look after her on the street, sometimes they even whistle.
When Kim, 27 was born August 1992 in Cologne, because their parents chose for them the name of Tim. Because Kim was a boy. Kim is - if known - the youngest transsexual person in the world.
It is the incredible story of a child from the Rhineland who felt caught in the wrong body, since it already had two.
Tim has always played with Barbie dolls, barber shop, he defended himself against the young haircut. Four years ago he picked up a pair of scissors, held them to his penis and threatened: "Now I cut it off!"
July in 2009. Kim talks to the Express about their new life. She talks with pride: "I am now a real girl. I can wear a bikini, I must in no more ashamed of dressing. And it is a great feeling to see that guys find me attractive. "
Kim's music video for the song "Last Forever" - click here! >
When Kim was eleven, she entered the first time the practice of Dr. Bernd Meyenburg. The psychiatrist conducts a clinic for children with identity disturbances at Frankfurt University. Meyenburg: "It is rare that the diagnosis of transsexualism is so clear as in Kim."
The struggle for real sex. When Kim was twelve, she began hormone treatment. She was afraid of puberty, before the voice, the facial hair.
 Kim's parents have hesitated long before they could endorse their will. Can we make such an intervention in a child, even before it has matured? A hard struggle for years with his conscience, with the responsibility, with the love for one child, came to an end in October 2008: Kim had surgery.
Children will get to it there. But pride says the high school student, after the summer holidays, the 11th Class will visit: "I am what I wanted to be and really always was. I was born just in the wrong body. "
A detached house near Bonn. Here Kim lives with her parents and her two older sisters. The story of the girl from the Rhineland goes from here around the world. Newspapers, Magazines and Fensehsender are fascinated by the Kim story.
 And the fact that they now on the go, is a pop star. She has a music producer who rausbrachte with her a CD. Your Fangmeinde the Internet grows.
On Tuesday, Kim was next to Heather Mills, the ex-wife of Paul McCartney, as a guest in "This Morning", one of the largest shows of England to her new single "Die for You" initiative.
Kim has its own manager that they intend to make known all over the world. Is that immoral? When this story? No, says Kim. Music is the best way for them to tell their story. "And if I still have a great desire since I can remember, then to be the" singer. "
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Just ran the operation
This is transsexualism