Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cologne / Bonn: Sharp decline in passenger numbers

Cologne - Cologne / Bonn Airport expects this year einennoch greater decline in passenger and cargo figures adopted alsbisher.
 2009 are currently expected around 9.4 million air guests, 9 percent less than last year, such as airport chief Michael Garvens said on Tuesday. At the beginning he was a six percent decline expected nochvon.
For Frachtgüternrechnet Garvens after a bad first quarter einemEinbruch by 9 percent to 530,000 tonnes. The annual earnings will drop 50 percent umfast to minus 9.7 million euros.
   Already in 2008 landed on the cheap and Expressfrachtspezialisierte Airport with a loss of € 6.5 million (2007: plus 5.5 million) in the red. The result was durchSondereffekte as the relocation of the Airport Authority and nachträglicheErbpachtzahlungen been under pressure. Revenue fell to € 262.9 million (minus three percent).
   With a package of cost, the airport will now save 13 million euros. Among other things, would be less Zeitarbeiterbeschäftigt, permanent employees to overtime abbauenund there is a hiring freeze. It will avoid all but done umEntlassungen, said Garvens.
   Negotiations with the low-cost airline Ryanair überKöln / Bonn as the new site had been abandoned without result, "said Garvens. The conditions were not acceptable.