Monday, June 14, 2010

"Cologne is my Game of the Year

Mönchengladbach - Thorben Marx scored the first goal in the training start, also met with the friendlies in Eisenberg (6-1) and Gotha (8-0).
The 28-year-old newcomer immediately takes over responsibility for Borussia.Sportdirektor Max Eberl: "Thorben has made a huge development, as Michael Bradley goes in depth and provides Torgefahr. He is a stabilizer in the team with experience and performance. These are good conditions. I am expecting a lot from him. "
Marx struck from the contract extension in Bielefeld and offers from Frankfurt and Hanover. Reason: "Gladbach is one of the biggest clubs in Germany with a tradition of large fan base. I'm looking forward to the atmosphere in the Borussia-Park. Certainly, the coach plays a large role, as I watch you on it, of course, always. "
He followed Michael Frontzeck: "We have one and a half years in Bielefeld worked together very well. I have developed further in time and I look forward to two more years. "
What Marx replied to the skeptics who claim they get relegated with the disease into the house? "That I can not confirm. I expect that we will have nothing to do with. I certainly hope that we start well and ignite a euphoria. That makes things a bit easier. I do not think we will finally have something to do with the descent, "Marx widespread optimism. Why? "I know from Bielefeld, what is important. I can for the short time when I am with Borussia, now already say that the team has a different potential. "
This also applies to its competitors in the defensive midfield. "Together with whom, I am only once not care. I'm looking at me and must see that I play. I am now 28 and was certainly not brought to sit on the bench, "he does a regular place claim. "If I bring my performance, I am assuming that I find my place in the team. Whether we play a system with one or two sixes, will arise in the course of preparation. "
After starting in Bochum increases for Marx, the home debut in the Borussia-Park against his old love Hertha - the game of the year for him? "No, that's me for Cologne. My time in Berlin is back for some time, is certainly still something special. But it goes against Gladbach Cologne to sausages and I am looking forward to it. "

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

EXPRESS tests Monika's "cult drink"

Admittedly, this was not real. And we really RTL would have had to warn strongly during the broadcast: Please do not imitate! But this fennel-Cola point us but then never let go ...
On Sunday evening, looking shocked Puggie Monika RTL viewers to "daughter"> with her to get used to drinking habits.
 As if it would be most natural that in the world, dragged the capable amateur painter children's tea and low-Cola to the well laid breakfast table, revealing at once the smart recipe of their so-called "specialty teas": Magenschonender instant fennel tea, infused with cold mineral water and - attention, Now the trick is in the thing! - A good dose of Coke.
Gag-brew, refreshing coffee alternative, or even beguiling elixir of love? EXPRESS-TV has had pity and made the test.
More videos on TV-EXPRESS>
Sun departed ran the first episode of the iconic dome-Show: Click HERE>
• Monis stimulant try: Just copy &. Who dares? Tell us your taste experience!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Internet Abzocker bolder

Cologne -
While surfing the Internet Patric T. landed on the '
"Here one could create his own profile," says the 17-year-old. That's what he did. The small print he ignored - and graduated from a two-year subscription. For 60 € per year.
When his parents found out about it and wanted to terminate the contract, they got to hear from the operators: "Due to the pocket Paragraphes the contract is valid - even if her son is a minor."
"Here, the company rolled out the facts," said Ivona Grumek from the Consumer NRW. "Contracts to be concluded by a minor without parental consent, are void. The pocket section applies only if a minor is a small matter, such as buying a sandwich.
Your recommendation: "Now insert opposition and do not respond to further warnings from the company."