Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Internet Abzocker bolder

Cologne -
While surfing the Internet Patric T. landed on the '
"Here one could create his own profile," says the 17-year-old. That's what he did. The small print he ignored - and graduated from a two-year subscription. For 60 € per year.
When his parents found out about it and wanted to terminate the contract, they got to hear from the operators: "Due to the pocket Paragraphes the contract is valid - even if her son is a minor."
"Here, the company rolled out the facts," said Ivona Grumek from the Consumer NRW. "Contracts to be concluded by a minor without parental consent, are void. The pocket section applies only if a minor is a small matter, such as buying a sandwich.
Your recommendation: "Now insert opposition and do not respond to further warnings from the company."