Tuesday, June 8, 2010

EXPRESS tests Monika's "cult drink"

Admittedly, this was not real. And we really RTL would have had to warn strongly during the broadcast: Please do not imitate! But this fennel-Cola point us but then never let go ...
On Sunday evening, looking shocked Puggie Monika RTL viewers to "daughter"> with her to get used to drinking habits.
 As if it would be most natural that in the world, dragged the capable amateur painter children's tea and low-Cola to the well laid breakfast table, revealing at once the smart recipe of their so-called "specialty teas": Magenschonender instant fennel tea, infused with cold mineral water and - attention, Now the trick is in the thing! - A good dose of Coke.
Gag-brew, refreshing coffee alternative, or even beguiling elixir of love? EXPRESS-TV has had pity and made the test.
More videos on TV-EXPRESS>
Sun departed ran the first episode of the iconic dome-Show: Click HERE>
• Monis stimulant try: Just copy &. Who dares? Tell us your taste experience!