Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The craziest family in Germany

Dusseldorf - When the children to fly, sometimes you need to pretty careful ...
Wilma Schwering but was helpless against concentrated so much power coming. The Diisseldorf is equal to twice Grandma made - and everything has remained in the family: Her daughter had a child from the foster son, her son that pervaded the foster daughter.
Both babies came on the same day to the world - indeed Germany's craziest Familie.Während other mothers with such adventurous messages would probably fall flat into a swoon, Wilma has Schwering (46) a simple explanation for the "brotherly love" under their roof, "My Children are real pack animals, where the family goes about everything. Perhaps they have indeed fallen into one another and therefore there is no partner sought from outside. "
But she also admits: "At first I was totally shocked. I never thought that love with one of my children in one of my foster children. Let alone all four. "
The fleet of four came together three years ago. Son Daniel (now 20) fell in love with foster daughter Jessica (now 19). The daughter was friends with Anika (18) and came from dysfunctional family relationships. Schwering Wilma also took the girl to like as a foster daughter. "The two were like sisters anyway. Also I had with foster son Kabir (20) have experience as a foster mother. "The feeling in his new family as well - and Bandelt with Anika.
Crazy: Both young women were pregnant - and almost at the same time.
The "good news" of the future, they had to gently teach Grandma Wilma. Anika: "I've waited until Jessica has told of her pregnancy. It was only when I had the feeling that Mom has digested the shock, I confessed to her about my pregnancy. "
The plan worked, Grandma Wilma is now overjoyed, "I am glad that the kids are healthy, and everything remains in the family." Is en vogue in the last ten days of the grandmother's house now, changing diapers, give bottles and sing lullabies. Have been dismissed since Emely and her cousin Leon with their mothers from the hospital, packed with the whole family. "Anika and I really have always done everything together, that we were now on the same day our children is really crazy," laughs Jessica.
At the end of September put her into labor first, followed shortly thereafter Anika to the hospital. Both women had a Caesarean section because of complications are made. Leon finally came on 30 September at 3.25 clock on the world, followed by 8.33 Emely clock. You were also counted for the same date.
Since there are almost surprised already that the differences between the two bundle of joy yet. Leon was a real Brummer with 3,800 grams and 1,000 grams heavier than its cousin. Which is to surpass him in terms of "complexion" clear soon. Finally, her father African descent and as the obvious suspicion that the little Emely is an exotic beauty. Since the parents have to be careful in not more than fifteen years, then safely back ...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dresden Elbe Valley is no longer Heritage

Seville / Dresden - Dresden shock: The world famous Dresden Elbe Valley will lose its world heritage title. The reason: The construction of the controversial Waldschlößchenbrücke.
From the perspective of UNESCO, the bridge will cut dasElbtal irreversibly destroy the cultural landscape with ihrenFlussauen.
Damitwird first time, a cultural site, the coveted seal of approval of the UN cultural organization revoked.
The World Heritage Committee consists of Vertreteraus 21 countries, Germany is currently not among them. DieEntscheidung in Seville ungültigenStimmen fell by 14 to 5 votes to two.
 In the morning dannhatte Dresden Mayor Helma Orosz (CDU), get a minute of speaking time. The adjournment sought by the city of Votumsbis after the completion of the construction project had rejected the panel.
   Therefore, the UN cultural organization, the Dresden Elbe Valley schon2006 on the Red List of endangered world heritage sites had been set.
2007 and 2008, there was grace periods, most recently, UNESCO invited Klarein tunnel as an alternative. The construction of the bridge had 2007begonnen end. 2011, the river crossing should be passable.
A Aberkennunghat in UNESCO's history so far only once been jedochfür a natural place in Oman. The Elbe Valley is a Kulturlandschafteingestuft and thus belongs to the category of cultural sites.
Also of interest
World Heritage Site - The most beautiful squares in Germany

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Porsche and VW plan merger

Stuttgart / Wolfsburg - Volkswagen and Porsche are in einemgemeinsamen new car company closer together under one roof.
Diegenaue structure is still unclear. The original plan, according to this port venture to expand the proportion of forging Porsche VW auf75 percent this year and take the helm in Wolfsburg wanted, but istdamit off the table.
Agreed to the new direction the families Porsche undPiëch, which belongs to the Porsche Holding, as the company announced amMittwoch.
The future dozen brands - including derSportwagenbauer Porsche - weiterhineigenständig will operate in the new company. Who in this society will ultimately Sagenhaben, seems not yet decided. Even a planned Kapitalerhöhungsei said in business circles. Whether this could also come Investorenins game was initially still open.
Also remained unclear whether that will be the headquarters of the group continue to Wolfsburg and Stuttgart.
"Under a single management company are in derEndstruktur ten brands stand side by side, with dieEigenständigkeit all brands and thus gewahrtbleiben by Porsche," they said in the statement of Porsche Holding SE.
Previously Porsche had been trying to take over Volkswagen that had taken over jedochbei funding. Porsche now holds nearly 51Prozent to Volkswagen, but after struggling with an increase seinerAnteile debt of nine billion euros.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Matteo is Cologne's little prince

Cologne --
The young generation is here and from Prince Mark Prince was I. Dad! Little Matteo Zehnpfennig saw on Tuesday evening at 18:41 in Severinsklösterchen the light of day. 3215 grams, 50 centimeters tall and heavy is the little prince. "We are simply happy and very proud," says the father of the freshly EXPRESS.
The most important thing, "Marion and Matteo are doing very well," says Mark Zehnpfennig when he left yesterday evening, the nursery of the monasteries Chen for a few minutes. "I'm going to buy just to get something for Marion salami," says Mark, "so they could eat during pregnancy no raw meat."
Mark has stayed at Zehnpfennig Severinsklösterchen. His daily routine: "Wrap swimming, and simply spend time with my family." He did not yet know exactly when he and his trio of fellow moves back through the halls. "I think on Friday again," said the prince, "although I am by the baby may not be separated."
Until then, he is represented by the new "branch head". Bauer and Hubert Virgin Martina (including cardboard proclaim Prince) in the halls of the baby news. "Hopefully, you have to understand that Mark can not now be here," said Hubert such as the Great General of the girls sitting in the Pullman. Of course, had any.
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Now governs the frontal branches
The Donnertag Mark nor will devote entirely to his family. Should it go off again Friday, then will try to break into the scene to see Matteo as often as possible, "said the prince. And, the Party will support him in how FC boss Mark Knight Bach ( "There are more important than Carnival and the family is insured").
Prince I. Papa, we are proud of you!
Have you seen? The dates for Carnival 2010th All information for this year's session. For those revelers in Cologne. Koelle Alaaf: www.express.de / carnival dates

Thursday, March 4, 2010

When is a fever well

If the body resists with concentrated force against viruses or bacteria, we get a fever. Many attack from 38 degrees to automatically antipyretic agents, laments Dr. Martin Adler, a doctor of naturopathy in Siegen. Because fever is actually "healthy".
The body tries to fight back: increases the value of Temperaturschaltzentrale of the brain, because each level begins greater the number of white blood cells and inhibits the proliferation attacking germs. His most important rules of fever:
In an ordinary flu or flu-like infection can tolerate fevers to 39 ° C for three days.
In younger adults and children - unless they are prone to febrile seizures! - Are ready to bear one to two days to 39.9 ° Celsius.
To properly measure fever
36 ° C
37 ° C
38 ° C
39 ° C
40 ° C
As much as Dr. Adler to be committed to stifle, not every fever at the very approach that he so vehemently insists losing the popular masses in the axilla: "The determined values are much too vague."
Measure (preferably with a digital thermometer!) Instead in the buttocks or under the tongue in one of the so-called heat pockets right or left of the tongue. Close mouth - then wait until it beeps. By protective foils Thermometer (30 pieces in the pharmacy for Euro 2.95), or reworking the head with a disinfectant solution, the body temperature remains in the mouth in the household with hygienic!
Confirmed Wartentest Foundation (No. 9 / 08): Almost all modern digital thermometers provide reliable values. When measuring with ear thermometers ( "good" in the test, for example Braun Thermoscan, about 50 €) 0.3 ° C dazuaddieren. By the way: cold compresses to reduce the fever, at 1 to 2 ° C without the aggravation to mind. Fever-lowering agents (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, take aspirin) for longer than three days on your own!
Normal temperature 35.8 ° C to 37.4 ° C.
In the evening the temperature is above the morning. From 37.5 ° C, it is considered to be increased.
From 38.1 ° C is called a fever.
From 39.1 ° C is as high fever, about 39.9 ° C as very high.
The critical limit. At 42 ° C circulatory failure risk, from 42.6 ° C death by destroying the natural structure (denaturation) of proteins.
Critical Limits:
Elderly, debilitated, chronically ill should a doctor ask if they can wait up to 39 ° C.
The fever lasts longer than three days, or even connect with symptoms such as headache, neck stiffness, abdominal pain, pale skin, difficult breathing, dizziness on - for safety's always a doctor.
Instead of reducing unnecessary fever: From the first shivering (heat production faster, stop when the setpoint is reached to lie down to keep warm) and so the body can fully concentrate on the defense.
Do not force children to eat. Anorexia is a result of the conversion cycle. Stomach and intestines are less vascularized. Drink a lot. Lime tea or fever Holunderbeersaft support and defense. Only at normal body temperature, record the daily operation again rantasten cautiously Sports: The body's immune system takes two to three weeks to completely regenerate.