Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The craziest family in Germany

Dusseldorf - When the children to fly, sometimes you need to pretty careful ...
Wilma Schwering but was helpless against concentrated so much power coming. The Diisseldorf is equal to twice Grandma made - and everything has remained in the family: Her daughter had a child from the foster son, her son that pervaded the foster daughter.
Both babies came on the same day to the world - indeed Germany's craziest Familie.Während other mothers with such adventurous messages would probably fall flat into a swoon, Wilma has Schwering (46) a simple explanation for the "brotherly love" under their roof, "My Children are real pack animals, where the family goes about everything. Perhaps they have indeed fallen into one another and therefore there is no partner sought from outside. "
But she also admits: "At first I was totally shocked. I never thought that love with one of my children in one of my foster children. Let alone all four. "
The fleet of four came together three years ago. Son Daniel (now 20) fell in love with foster daughter Jessica (now 19). The daughter was friends with Anika (18) and came from dysfunctional family relationships. Schwering Wilma also took the girl to like as a foster daughter. "The two were like sisters anyway. Also I had with foster son Kabir (20) have experience as a foster mother. "The feeling in his new family as well - and Bandelt with Anika.
Crazy: Both young women were pregnant - and almost at the same time.
The "good news" of the future, they had to gently teach Grandma Wilma. Anika: "I've waited until Jessica has told of her pregnancy. It was only when I had the feeling that Mom has digested the shock, I confessed to her about my pregnancy. "
The plan worked, Grandma Wilma is now overjoyed, "I am glad that the kids are healthy, and everything remains in the family." Is en vogue in the last ten days of the grandmother's house now, changing diapers, give bottles and sing lullabies. Have been dismissed since Emely and her cousin Leon with their mothers from the hospital, packed with the whole family. "Anika and I really have always done everything together, that we were now on the same day our children is really crazy," laughs Jessica.
At the end of September put her into labor first, followed shortly thereafter Anika to the hospital. Both women had a Caesarean section because of complications are made. Leon finally came on 30 September at 3.25 clock on the world, followed by 8.33 Emely clock. You were also counted for the same date.
Since there are almost surprised already that the differences between the two bundle of joy yet. Leon was a real Brummer with 3,800 grams and 1,000 grams heavier than its cousin. Which is to surpass him in terms of "complexion" clear soon. Finally, her father African descent and as the obvious suspicion that the little Emely is an exotic beauty. Since the parents have to be careful in not more than fifteen years, then safely back ...