Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dresden Elbe Valley is no longer Heritage

Seville / Dresden - Dresden shock: The world famous Dresden Elbe Valley will lose its world heritage title. The reason: The construction of the controversial Waldschlößchenbrücke.
From the perspective of UNESCO, the bridge will cut dasElbtal irreversibly destroy the cultural landscape with ihrenFlussauen.
Damitwird first time, a cultural site, the coveted seal of approval of the UN cultural organization revoked.
The World Heritage Committee consists of Vertreteraus 21 countries, Germany is currently not among them. DieEntscheidung in Seville ungültigenStimmen fell by 14 to 5 votes to two.
 In the morning dannhatte Dresden Mayor Helma Orosz (CDU), get a minute of speaking time. The adjournment sought by the city of Votumsbis after the completion of the construction project had rejected the panel.
   Therefore, the UN cultural organization, the Dresden Elbe Valley schon2006 on the Red List of endangered world heritage sites had been set.
2007 and 2008, there was grace periods, most recently, UNESCO invited Klarein tunnel as an alternative. The construction of the bridge had 2007begonnen end. 2011, the river crossing should be passable.
A Aberkennunghat in UNESCO's history so far only once been jedochfür a natural place in Oman. The Elbe Valley is a Kulturlandschafteingestuft and thus belongs to the category of cultural sites.
Also of interest
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