Thursday, March 18, 2010

Porsche and VW plan merger

Stuttgart / Wolfsburg - Volkswagen and Porsche are in einemgemeinsamen new car company closer together under one roof.
Diegenaue structure is still unclear. The original plan, according to this port venture to expand the proportion of forging Porsche VW auf75 percent this year and take the helm in Wolfsburg wanted, but istdamit off the table.
Agreed to the new direction the families Porsche undPiëch, which belongs to the Porsche Holding, as the company announced amMittwoch.
The future dozen brands - including derSportwagenbauer Porsche - weiterhineigenständig will operate in the new company. Who in this society will ultimately Sagenhaben, seems not yet decided. Even a planned Kapitalerhöhungsei said in business circles. Whether this could also come Investorenins game was initially still open.
Also remained unclear whether that will be the headquarters of the group continue to Wolfsburg and Stuttgart.
"Under a single management company are in derEndstruktur ten brands stand side by side, with dieEigenständigkeit all brands and thus gewahrtbleiben by Porsche," they said in the statement of Porsche Holding SE.
Previously Porsche had been trying to take over Volkswagen that had taken over jedochbei funding. Porsche now holds nearly 51Prozent to Volkswagen, but after struggling with an increase seinerAnteile debt of nine billion euros.