Monday, June 14, 2010

"Cologne is my Game of the Year

Mönchengladbach - Thorben Marx scored the first goal in the training start, also met with the friendlies in Eisenberg (6-1) and Gotha (8-0).
The 28-year-old newcomer immediately takes over responsibility for Borussia.Sportdirektor Max Eberl: "Thorben has made a huge development, as Michael Bradley goes in depth and provides Torgefahr. He is a stabilizer in the team with experience and performance. These are good conditions. I am expecting a lot from him. "
Marx struck from the contract extension in Bielefeld and offers from Frankfurt and Hanover. Reason: "Gladbach is one of the biggest clubs in Germany with a tradition of large fan base. I'm looking forward to the atmosphere in the Borussia-Park. Certainly, the coach plays a large role, as I watch you on it, of course, always. "
He followed Michael Frontzeck: "We have one and a half years in Bielefeld worked together very well. I have developed further in time and I look forward to two more years. "
What Marx replied to the skeptics who claim they get relegated with the disease into the house? "That I can not confirm. I expect that we will have nothing to do with. I certainly hope that we start well and ignite a euphoria. That makes things a bit easier. I do not think we will finally have something to do with the descent, "Marx widespread optimism. Why? "I know from Bielefeld, what is important. I can for the short time when I am with Borussia, now already say that the team has a different potential. "
This also applies to its competitors in the defensive midfield. "Together with whom, I am only once not care. I'm looking at me and must see that I play. I am now 28 and was certainly not brought to sit on the bench, "he does a regular place claim. "If I bring my performance, I am assuming that I find my place in the team. Whether we play a system with one or two sixes, will arise in the course of preparation. "
After starting in Bochum increases for Marx, the home debut in the Borussia-Park against his old love Hertha - the game of the year for him? "No, that's me for Cologne. My time in Berlin is back for some time, is certainly still something special. But it goes against Gladbach Cologne to sausages and I am looking forward to it. "

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

EXPRESS tests Monika's "cult drink"

Admittedly, this was not real. And we really RTL would have had to warn strongly during the broadcast: Please do not imitate! But this fennel-Cola point us but then never let go ...
On Sunday evening, looking shocked Puggie Monika RTL viewers to "daughter"> with her to get used to drinking habits.
 As if it would be most natural that in the world, dragged the capable amateur painter children's tea and low-Cola to the well laid breakfast table, revealing at once the smart recipe of their so-called "specialty teas": Magenschonender instant fennel tea, infused with cold mineral water and - attention, Now the trick is in the thing! - A good dose of Coke.
Gag-brew, refreshing coffee alternative, or even beguiling elixir of love? EXPRESS-TV has had pity and made the test.
More videos on TV-EXPRESS>
Sun departed ran the first episode of the iconic dome-Show: Click HERE>
• Monis stimulant try: Just copy &. Who dares? Tell us your taste experience!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Internet Abzocker bolder

Cologne -
While surfing the Internet Patric T. landed on the '
"Here one could create his own profile," says the 17-year-old. That's what he did. The small print he ignored - and graduated from a two-year subscription. For 60 € per year.
When his parents found out about it and wanted to terminate the contract, they got to hear from the operators: "Due to the pocket Paragraphes the contract is valid - even if her son is a minor."
"Here, the company rolled out the facts," said Ivona Grumek from the Consumer NRW. "Contracts to be concluded by a minor without parental consent, are void. The pocket section applies only if a minor is a small matter, such as buying a sandwich.
Your recommendation: "Now insert opposition and do not respond to further warnings from the company."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

operates at 16: Tim now is Kim

Kim (16) wears a tight top, a tight blue jeans, she has long blonde hair. Kim is a very pretty girl. The boys look after her on the street, sometimes they even whistle.
When Kim, 27 was born August 1992 in Cologne, because their parents chose for them the name of Tim. Because Kim was a boy. Kim is - if known - the youngest transsexual person in the world.
It is the incredible story of a child from the Rhineland who felt caught in the wrong body, since it already had two.
Tim has always played with Barbie dolls, barber shop, he defended himself against the young haircut. Four years ago he picked up a pair of scissors, held them to his penis and threatened: "Now I cut it off!"
July in 2009. Kim talks to the Express about their new life. She talks with pride: "I am now a real girl. I can wear a bikini, I must in no more ashamed of dressing. And it is a great feeling to see that guys find me attractive. "
Kim's music video for the song "Last Forever" - click here! >
When Kim was eleven, she entered the first time the practice of Dr. Bernd Meyenburg. The psychiatrist conducts a clinic for children with identity disturbances at Frankfurt University. Meyenburg: "It is rare that the diagnosis of transsexualism is so clear as in Kim."
The struggle for real sex. When Kim was twelve, she began hormone treatment. She was afraid of puberty, before the voice, the facial hair.
 Kim's parents have hesitated long before they could endorse their will. Can we make such an intervention in a child, even before it has matured? A hard struggle for years with his conscience, with the responsibility, with the love for one child, came to an end in October 2008: Kim had surgery.
Children will get to it there. But pride says the high school student, after the summer holidays, the 11th Class will visit: "I am what I wanted to be and really always was. I was born just in the wrong body. "
A detached house near Bonn. Here Kim lives with her parents and her two older sisters. The story of the girl from the Rhineland goes from here around the world. Newspapers, Magazines and Fensehsender are fascinated by the Kim story.
 And the fact that they now on the go, is a pop star. She has a music producer who rausbrachte with her a CD. Your Fangmeinde the Internet grows.
On Tuesday, Kim was next to Heather Mills, the ex-wife of Paul McCartney, as a guest in "This Morning", one of the largest shows of England to her new single "Die for You" initiative.
Kim has its own manager that they intend to make known all over the world. Is that immoral? When this story? No, says Kim. Music is the best way for them to tell their story. "And if I still have a great desire since I can remember, then to be the" singer. "
Also of Interest
Just ran the operation
This is transsexualism

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Niedecken and his beautiful daughters

cologne - Nanu? Wolfgang Niedecken without his wife Tina on the road, but that in two very pretty blonde arm? What is going on here?
A father-daughter-evening at the premiere of "Rain" at the Philharmonic! "Tina is in southern France and is training for yoga teacher," said the BAP-singer, who on 11 September with his band at Roncalliplatz plays. "And because my daughters wanted to see like the Beatles show, I stated them."
 Twinkle-eyes, blonde hair and sweet smile: Joana-Josephi (13) and Isis Maria (15 twisted) so many young men in the audience's head. "Fortunately, they come more for her mother than for me," quips Niedecken. "Besides, even with the talent: Isis has ne one in math - to me she has not!"
Also, the 15-year-old professional will follow in the footsteps of her mother (Tina is a photographer): "She often helps her in the studio, has completed an internship with a photographer." But Papa's talent by proposing: "Jojo plays a great piano Isis and flute. "But he is mad at his daughters above all:" They are normal teenagers! "

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cologne / Bonn: Sharp decline in passenger numbers

Cologne - Cologne / Bonn Airport expects this year einennoch greater decline in passenger and cargo figures adopted alsbisher.
 2009 are currently expected around 9.4 million air guests, 9 percent less than last year, such as airport chief Michael Garvens said on Tuesday. At the beginning he was a six percent decline expected nochvon.
For Frachtgüternrechnet Garvens after a bad first quarter einemEinbruch by 9 percent to 530,000 tonnes. The annual earnings will drop 50 percent umfast to minus 9.7 million euros.
   Already in 2008 landed on the cheap and Expressfrachtspezialisierte Airport with a loss of € 6.5 million (2007: plus 5.5 million) in the red. The result was durchSondereffekte as the relocation of the Airport Authority and nachträglicheErbpachtzahlungen been under pressure. Revenue fell to € 262.9 million (minus three percent).
   With a package of cost, the airport will now save 13 million euros. Among other things, would be less Zeitarbeiterbeschäftigt, permanent employees to overtime abbauenund there is a hiring freeze. It will avoid all but done umEntlassungen, said Garvens.
   Negotiations with the low-cost airline Ryanair überKöln / Bonn as the new site had been abandoned without result, "said Garvens. The conditions were not acceptable.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hitzfeld takes Poldi's last hope

Marbella - Lukas Podolski and FC Bayern - whether it really is true love again? After one and half years, "teething problems" would take off the ex-Cologne in Munich is now the second half finally come true.
But it is nothing at the moment: For Bayern coach Ottmar Hitzfeld has established itself in the training camp in Marbella - Podolski is expressed in the second half, only the bank. Even two weeks before the second half start Poldi Hitzfeld took his last hope!
"Miro Klose and Luca Toni are well rehearsed, so they will also begin in the second half, if nothing extraordinary happens," said Hitzfeld on Friday. Whether Podolski or Jan Schlaudraff times would get a chance? "It depends on how the situation develops." Bam! Much clearer it could hardly have said Hitzfeld to stay - Klose and Toni healthy and not expected to play lousy, they stay put.
Especially for the phrases like hammer blows Podolski have to be. "When the second half for me it should run as the first round, then I must think hard how and where it goes on for me," the 22-year-old international had recently declared. Under Hitzfeld's statement, he may now have to think before the second half.
If he comes to the conclusion, if possible, immediately seek his fortune elsewhere? The transfer list is still open until the end of January, and there's no shortage of interested parties: Among other things, Werder Bremen, VfB Stuttgart and the English Premier League club Manchester City hot on Poldi.
Or is now his very last Podolski Bayern hope for Jürgen Klinsmann and is sitting out the second half? His contract with record champions runs until 2010, and in summer comes the coach, whose World Cup-Eleven, he was placed 2006th However, he did not have Toni as well as beside it. Podolski will make his thoughts ...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pixel Magician record photo shoot in Cologne

Cologne - Imagine you buy a camera with 8 megapixels and shoot Cologne panorama. Proud of you look at the razor-sharp picture and think: Posters? Poster? Photo wallpaper? Anything goes! As you knock on someone's shoulder: "Look! My photo is still 1000 times larger ... "
Who will score the biggest photo of the world? The Cologne Photo Designer André M. Hünseler has now ended already ranked 5th His coup: The Cologne panorama in 8 Gigapixeln (ie 8000 megapixels): "One day I photographed with a commercially available Canon Eos 400 D piecemeal the whole panorama. Overall, I was here around 600 pictures. "
To view all photos of the then 15 kilometers wide and 10 kilometers deep panoramas together like a puzzle, counting his PC whopping 3.5 days.
"If the razor sharp photo prints on canvas, it must be at least 60 meters wide, its 14 meters high." In (still) good quality, so you could even hide a Rhine bridge.
Eye-catcher: Click here for a mega-> photo, because you can zoom in by clicking through Cologne.
A view of the distant Cathedral relief or to the roof terraces of the City? No problem!
Incidentally, world record holder is a panoramic photo of the magnificent Yosemite National Park United States with 17.3 gigapixels. Hünseler: "I now Peile at 25 gigapixels. I want to square 1 '

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Raided the DFB and the DFL

Frankfurt - Germany's pure excitement at the highest football federations. Dragnet! On Tuesday, many officials fly into the premises by the DFB and the League (DFL) in Frankfurt.
The suspicion of the Federal Cartel Office against DFB and DFL: The associations should have discussed it in the search for sponsors. Therefore even a working group had been founded. Thus, the sponsors would be nice split - who advertises for the DFB, was approached by the clubs no longer the first place.
It was triggered by a report in the sports picture a year ago, in which said Bayer Leverkusen's manager Wolfgang wooden houses: "It is unacceptable that the DFB and the League Association, or its clubs make each other competing for the sponsorship negotiations."
At that time, Leverkusen negotiated with shirt sponsor RWE. At the same time also the DFB wanted to win the energy group as partners, but the negotiations were to veto timber houses suddenly stopped.
Silke Kaul (speaker) of the Cartel: "There is a reasonable suspicion that the competition was eliminated by Sponsors between DFB, DFL and the clubs." The DFB is outraged, and even shoot back yet by any means will be reviewing the legality of the raid and moves to official protests against the authorities considered.
DFB general secretary Wolfgang Niersbach said: "This incident is inconceivable to us all. There is not the slightest reason to conceal anything. "

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More counterfeit money in Germany

Frankfurt --
Counterfeiters have brought 2009 in Germany significantly more flowers in circulation than in the previous year.
The number of fraud increased 28 percent, as the German Bundesbank announced on Monday in Frankfurt.
Washing test
Feel Test
View test
Tilt test
Genuine euro notes survive a round in the washing machine completely unscathed. But there are easier ways to "flower" of counterfeit currency to be distinguished.
The banknotes have several security features. The German Bundesbank is recommended to consider always several of them. The rule of thumb is: "touch, sight, and tilt.
Through the so-called intaglio on the front part of the bills stand out from the surface and are palpable. These are the abbreviations of the European Central Bank at the top (BCE, ECB, EZB, EKT, EKP), the value of the ticket numbers and the pictures of the windows and doors that can be found on the motives.
In the back three security features are visible: In the blank surface shimmers with the watermark image and value numbers. Moreover, then the security thread in the middle of the note visible. With the "through register" at the top left of the front is apparent only in the light a full number
With bills to 20 euros is a film strip on the right edge of the front. Depending on the light shines the euro symbol or the value number. With notes of 50 euros to appear on the square foil element also the architectural motif of appearances.
Overall, the central bank registered 52,500 counterfeit euro notes by 41,000 in the previous year. The rise, however, lie well below the peak of 80,000 counterfeits in 2004.
Simultaneously, the economic damage from the previous year went from 3.5 to 3.1 million euros. The Bundesbank justified this with the decline in the 100 - and 200-euro-Flowers: 2009 was almost every other flower was like a "false fifties.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Atanarjuat - The Fast Runner - Atanarjuat - The Fast Runner (OV)

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The director Zacharias Kunuk has delivered with "Atarnajuat" his first feature film. Even an Inuit, he has already stated in numerous documentaries on the life of our nation known as Eskimos. The film is about a story that is as old as humanity itself: the discord between two families, and Sauri Tulimaq to escalate to a point because there is no turning back now ...
?? movie.label.director??
Zacharias Kunuk
?? movie.label.actors??
Natar Ungalaaq, Sylvia Ivalu, Peter-Henry Arnatsiaq
?? movie.label.genre??
Film essays
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
172?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??

Friday, April 9, 2010

Meyer: "On descent I'm gone!"

bulk thick yoga mat

Munich - Hans Meyer's contract runs until 30 June 2010 - valid for the First and Second Division. But after the 1:2 in Munich>, the sixth game winless in series, said Borussia Big Boss, that he only met the first league.
Meyer on Sunday in the DSF-double pass, "If I flophouse with this team, no matter - as the analysis and the question of guilt turns out - is not a board in the world with a 66-year-olds in November, 67-year-olds to go into a rebuilding. That's impossible. "
Meyer announced his resignation at the club does - and thus opens up a debate coach who wants to end Max Eberl immediately. "Hans and I have a super relationship and we both know where we are at the other," said Gladbach sporting director. "We still have four games in front of the chest, we want to successfully shape to hold the class. Then John is also our coach next season. "
Borussia Big Boss has put it: "we will save ourselves, Hans Meyer remains likely - unless my grandchildren that forbid myself." He then asks for a raise, however: "It is clear that we sit down and talk again . For the little money I do it under any circumstances. "But the class obtaining premium is already there in his contract.
Despite the growing arrears on non-relegation zone 15 (three points at Cottbus) and relegation-place 16 (two points on Bielefeld) Meyer again spread hope for the happy ending. "We have our slightly better goal difference compared to two of our fellow competitors and get the results to the other places even a fighting chance in the last four match." But only a Victory Series which will start even against Schalke muss.Kein Board the world can go with a 66-year-olds in November, 67-year-olds in a reconstruction.
More news from the Moenchengladbach: 2-1 against Gladbach: Podolski back in-form Prince> Bavaria - Heynckes wins comeback> Meyers lousy game with Neuville>

Monday, April 5, 2010

Barometer stood at congestion chaos

Cologne - Cologne, the barometer showed on Monday at 100 percent congestion. For everything came together: Many sites, rain and all this on a Monday. Since nothing was more around Cologne.
Who was sitting in the car on Monday and listened to the pelting rain on the roof of the car, had to bring the nerve. For queues lengths of over 120 kilometers were read on radio.
"In the WDR transport staff had been decided on Monday to read only from ten kilometers of traffic jams. Otherwise the speaker would have been for the many messages taken too long, "said WDR spokesman Uwe Lindner.
And: "Who wants to listen to such a Stautag all messages that can be done on WDR medium 722 or 747 Khz. Since every little jam is reported. "
Several small bagatelle accidents were responsible for utter chaos. As on the road between Kerkrader Bruhl and Wesseling. There, a truck had touched a car and had slid into the ditch. Episode: 12 kilometers jam.
Also a cause for sheet Avalanche: Many cyclists who switched on the car. "Among them are many drivers who move frequently or her vehicle. In steady rain, they go so over-cautious and slow the flow of traffic in addition, "said a traffic expert for the police.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The craziest family in Germany

Dusseldorf - When the children to fly, sometimes you need to pretty careful ...
Wilma Schwering but was helpless against concentrated so much power coming. The Diisseldorf is equal to twice Grandma made - and everything has remained in the family: Her daughter had a child from the foster son, her son that pervaded the foster daughter.
Both babies came on the same day to the world - indeed Germany's craziest Familie.Während other mothers with such adventurous messages would probably fall flat into a swoon, Wilma has Schwering (46) a simple explanation for the "brotherly love" under their roof, "My Children are real pack animals, where the family goes about everything. Perhaps they have indeed fallen into one another and therefore there is no partner sought from outside. "
But she also admits: "At first I was totally shocked. I never thought that love with one of my children in one of my foster children. Let alone all four. "
The fleet of four came together three years ago. Son Daniel (now 20) fell in love with foster daughter Jessica (now 19). The daughter was friends with Anika (18) and came from dysfunctional family relationships. Schwering Wilma also took the girl to like as a foster daughter. "The two were like sisters anyway. Also I had with foster son Kabir (20) have experience as a foster mother. "The feeling in his new family as well - and Bandelt with Anika.
Crazy: Both young women were pregnant - and almost at the same time.
The "good news" of the future, they had to gently teach Grandma Wilma. Anika: "I've waited until Jessica has told of her pregnancy. It was only when I had the feeling that Mom has digested the shock, I confessed to her about my pregnancy. "
The plan worked, Grandma Wilma is now overjoyed, "I am glad that the kids are healthy, and everything remains in the family." Is en vogue in the last ten days of the grandmother's house now, changing diapers, give bottles and sing lullabies. Have been dismissed since Emely and her cousin Leon with their mothers from the hospital, packed with the whole family. "Anika and I really have always done everything together, that we were now on the same day our children is really crazy," laughs Jessica.
At the end of September put her into labor first, followed shortly thereafter Anika to the hospital. Both women had a Caesarean section because of complications are made. Leon finally came on 30 September at 3.25 clock on the world, followed by 8.33 Emely clock. You were also counted for the same date.
Since there are almost surprised already that the differences between the two bundle of joy yet. Leon was a real Brummer with 3,800 grams and 1,000 grams heavier than its cousin. Which is to surpass him in terms of "complexion" clear soon. Finally, her father African descent and as the obvious suspicion that the little Emely is an exotic beauty. Since the parents have to be careful in not more than fifteen years, then safely back ...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dresden Elbe Valley is no longer Heritage

Seville / Dresden - Dresden shock: The world famous Dresden Elbe Valley will lose its world heritage title. The reason: The construction of the controversial Waldschlößchenbrücke.
From the perspective of UNESCO, the bridge will cut dasElbtal irreversibly destroy the cultural landscape with ihrenFlussauen.
Damitwird first time, a cultural site, the coveted seal of approval of the UN cultural organization revoked.
The World Heritage Committee consists of Vertreteraus 21 countries, Germany is currently not among them. DieEntscheidung in Seville ungültigenStimmen fell by 14 to 5 votes to two.
 In the morning dannhatte Dresden Mayor Helma Orosz (CDU), get a minute of speaking time. The adjournment sought by the city of Votumsbis after the completion of the construction project had rejected the panel.
   Therefore, the UN cultural organization, the Dresden Elbe Valley schon2006 on the Red List of endangered world heritage sites had been set.
2007 and 2008, there was grace periods, most recently, UNESCO invited Klarein tunnel as an alternative. The construction of the bridge had 2007begonnen end. 2011, the river crossing should be passable.
A Aberkennunghat in UNESCO's history so far only once been jedochfür a natural place in Oman. The Elbe Valley is a Kulturlandschafteingestuft and thus belongs to the category of cultural sites.
Also of interest
World Heritage Site - The most beautiful squares in Germany

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Porsche and VW plan merger

Stuttgart / Wolfsburg - Volkswagen and Porsche are in einemgemeinsamen new car company closer together under one roof.
Diegenaue structure is still unclear. The original plan, according to this port venture to expand the proportion of forging Porsche VW auf75 percent this year and take the helm in Wolfsburg wanted, but istdamit off the table.
Agreed to the new direction the families Porsche undPiëch, which belongs to the Porsche Holding, as the company announced amMittwoch.
The future dozen brands - including derSportwagenbauer Porsche - weiterhineigenständig will operate in the new company. Who in this society will ultimately Sagenhaben, seems not yet decided. Even a planned Kapitalerhöhungsei said in business circles. Whether this could also come Investorenins game was initially still open.
Also remained unclear whether that will be the headquarters of the group continue to Wolfsburg and Stuttgart.
"Under a single management company are in derEndstruktur ten brands stand side by side, with dieEigenständigkeit all brands and thus gewahrtbleiben by Porsche," they said in the statement of Porsche Holding SE.
Previously Porsche had been trying to take over Volkswagen that had taken over jedochbei funding. Porsche now holds nearly 51Prozent to Volkswagen, but after struggling with an increase seinerAnteile debt of nine billion euros.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Matteo is Cologne's little prince

Cologne --
The young generation is here and from Prince Mark Prince was I. Dad! Little Matteo Zehnpfennig saw on Tuesday evening at 18:41 in Severinsklösterchen the light of day. 3215 grams, 50 centimeters tall and heavy is the little prince. "We are simply happy and very proud," says the father of the freshly EXPRESS.
The most important thing, "Marion and Matteo are doing very well," says Mark Zehnpfennig when he left yesterday evening, the nursery of the monasteries Chen for a few minutes. "I'm going to buy just to get something for Marion salami," says Mark, "so they could eat during pregnancy no raw meat."
Mark has stayed at Zehnpfennig Severinsklösterchen. His daily routine: "Wrap swimming, and simply spend time with my family." He did not yet know exactly when he and his trio of fellow moves back through the halls. "I think on Friday again," said the prince, "although I am by the baby may not be separated."
Until then, he is represented by the new "branch head". Bauer and Hubert Virgin Martina (including cardboard proclaim Prince) in the halls of the baby news. "Hopefully, you have to understand that Mark can not now be here," said Hubert such as the Great General of the girls sitting in the Pullman. Of course, had any.
Video entitled
Learn More
Now governs the frontal branches
The Donnertag Mark nor will devote entirely to his family. Should it go off again Friday, then will try to break into the scene to see Matteo as often as possible, "said the prince. And, the Party will support him in how FC boss Mark Knight Bach ( "There are more important than Carnival and the family is insured").
Prince I. Papa, we are proud of you!
Have you seen? The dates for Carnival 2010th All information for this year's session. For those revelers in Cologne. Koelle Alaaf: / carnival dates

Thursday, March 4, 2010

When is a fever well

If the body resists with concentrated force against viruses or bacteria, we get a fever. Many attack from 38 degrees to automatically antipyretic agents, laments Dr. Martin Adler, a doctor of naturopathy in Siegen. Because fever is actually "healthy".
The body tries to fight back: increases the value of Temperaturschaltzentrale of the brain, because each level begins greater the number of white blood cells and inhibits the proliferation attacking germs. His most important rules of fever:
In an ordinary flu or flu-like infection can tolerate fevers to 39 ° C for three days.
In younger adults and children - unless they are prone to febrile seizures! - Are ready to bear one to two days to 39.9 ° Celsius.
To properly measure fever
36 ° C
37 ° C
38 ° C
39 ° C
40 ° C
As much as Dr. Adler to be committed to stifle, not every fever at the very approach that he so vehemently insists losing the popular masses in the axilla: "The determined values are much too vague."
Measure (preferably with a digital thermometer!) Instead in the buttocks or under the tongue in one of the so-called heat pockets right or left of the tongue. Close mouth - then wait until it beeps. By protective foils Thermometer (30 pieces in the pharmacy for Euro 2.95), or reworking the head with a disinfectant solution, the body temperature remains in the mouth in the household with hygienic!
Confirmed Wartentest Foundation (No. 9 / 08): Almost all modern digital thermometers provide reliable values. When measuring with ear thermometers ( "good" in the test, for example Braun Thermoscan, about 50 €) 0.3 ° C dazuaddieren. By the way: cold compresses to reduce the fever, at 1 to 2 ° C without the aggravation to mind. Fever-lowering agents (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, take aspirin) for longer than three days on your own!
Normal temperature 35.8 ° C to 37.4 ° C.
In the evening the temperature is above the morning. From 37.5 ° C, it is considered to be increased.
From 38.1 ° C is called a fever.
From 39.1 ° C is as high fever, about 39.9 ° C as very high.
The critical limit. At 42 ° C circulatory failure risk, from 42.6 ° C death by destroying the natural structure (denaturation) of proteins.
Critical Limits:
Elderly, debilitated, chronically ill should a doctor ask if they can wait up to 39 ° C.
The fever lasts longer than three days, or even connect with symptoms such as headache, neck stiffness, abdominal pain, pale skin, difficult breathing, dizziness on - for safety's always a doctor.
Instead of reducing unnecessary fever: From the first shivering (heat production faster, stop when the setpoint is reached to lie down to keep warm) and so the body can fully concentrate on the defense.
Do not force children to eat. Anorexia is a result of the conversion cycle. Stomach and intestines are less vascularized. Drink a lot. Lime tea or fever Holunderbeersaft support and defense. Only at normal body temperature, record the daily operation again rantasten cautiously Sports: The body's immune system takes two to three weeks to completely regenerate.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beautiful women make men stupid

Nijmegen - Long hair, big eyes and curves, where one would (s) like to drive along: But beware - the sight of such an attractive, seductive lady makes men temporarily stupid!
Scientists from the Dutch "RadboudUniversität" found that men during and shortly after the sight or the encounter with a beautiful woman can no longer think clearly.
The team led by social psychologist Johan Karremans watched the intellectual capacity of students, shortly after they were in contact with particularly attractive fellow.
The test subjects should chat with each other and then solve examination questions.
Conclusion: The students were given the pretty ladies think less clearly than usual reason: "The gentlemen were very busy trying to impress," said Karremans.
That was probably significantly affects their mental performance. How was that even with the saying from grandmother's moth-eaten, "Men can look better than to think" ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pensioners - stabbed to death in prison forever!

Aachen - Because of the murder of a pensioner who has a 27-year-old for the rest of his life in prison, the District Court of Aachen, were found in the verdict on Tuesday besondereSchwere of guilt and ordered preventive detention. Damitist an early release from prison of a man excluded.
   The court sent a 33-year-old girlfriend of twelve years in prison Hauptangeklagtenfür you approve of the judge a verminderteSchuldfähigkeit.
 According to the report she had in Drogenrauschgehandelt. The court followed its ruling derStaatsanwaltschaft with the request.
   The 27-year-old trained baker had been accused in court of killing in April 2008 the 66-year-old pensioner in his apartment in downtown derAachener together with the 33-year-old with a knife Vielzahlvon.
In fact, their beidenAngeklagten the wallet of the man, a VCR and einHandy had captured.
   In the 27-year-old principal defendants are einenWiederholungstäter. The man had been assaulted as a 19-year-old stabbed to death in Aacheneinen kiosk owner. InHaft After eight years he had shortly after his release the next Bluttatbegangen.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sex attack on 20-year-old in Deutz

Cologne - What began initially as a brutal robbery, was for a twenty-year student in Deutz suddenly to sex attack.
The young woman was around 6th 20 clock on Saturday morning on the road on the footpath between Deutz ring and bridle path. Suddenly a bicycle stopped beside her, grabbed her bag and she wanted to snatch her.
But the 20-year-old fought back, clung to her bag. A signal that could explode the offender: "He jumped off the bike and struck several times on the defenseless woman.
Dazed from the massive shock, the 20-year-old then had to do as the man grabbed her, dragged her into nearby bushes. Here he began to resurrect at their clothing. With his last strength, the student struggled from the sex attack. The man dropped his victim, grabbed the bag and disappeared.
With severe bruises and shock the woman was discovered by two passers-by who agreed to the police. A search for the first tormentors remained inconclusive.
The police are now asking for information on the perpetrators, even looking for the two walkers to come forward. Phone: 0221 / 229 0

Friday, February 5, 2010

Suicide: Jan Antwerpes dead in the basement

Cologne - An incredible tragedy: Jan Antwerpes (44), son of the former district president Franz-Josef Antwerpes, was found dead yesterday in the basement of his company. Suicide by hanging.
The father confirmed to EXPRESS the sad news. More he will not say it. From the environment of the employees were aware that the successful entrepreneur who had founded with his older brother Frank (49), the "Antwerpes AG" and "Doc Check", hanged himself yesterday morning in the basement of the company in Ehrenfeld.
How EXPRESS learned to Jan Antwerpes have called in a farewell letter, economic motives for the deed.
 The value of the Doc-Check shares were in the past decade, from 25 down to 2.87 euros. He was regarded as a cheerful, sympathetic, was only in September 2007 his wife Pia (married 34). Six months ago their daughter was born.
Jan Antwerpes was a frequent guest on media gatherings, where he usually appeared together with his father, Franz-Josef Antwerpes, former district president of Cologne. Even the media had on the early and enormous success of the company the two brothers repeatedly Antwerpes saturation coverage.